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“At Last, a Black History Museum”

The New York Review of Books, November 24, 2016

The Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington—

“In one poisonous collection...relics of Jim Crow swag: mammy salt shakers, Zip Coon puppets, ads for detergent with dancing pickaninnies. My grandparents had some of this stuff.”

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“United States v. Dylann Roof”

The New York Review of Books, March 9, 2017  (part 1)

The trial of a white supremacist in the mass shooting at Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, South Carolina—

“'He’s evil. There is no place on earth for him except the pit of hell. Send himself back to the pit of hell, I say.'”


"The Mind of Dylann Roof”

The New York Review of Books, March 23, 2017 (part 2)

End of the murder trial—

“The defendant does something that will guarantee a death sentence. He wears a pair of white sneakers…decorated with his favored Nazi symbols…the Odal rune and the Lebensrune, with SS bolts.”


United States v. Dylann Roof

New York Review of Books

March 9, 2017

The Mind of Dylann Roof

New York Review of Books

March 23, 2017

At Last, A Black History Museum

New York Review of Books

November 24, 2016

Slavery's Trail of Tears


November 2015

Slavery's Enduring Resonance

New York Times

March 15, 2015

First Families

New York Times Book Review

June 17, 2012

An American Tragedy

New York Times

April 12, 2011

Gone With the Myths

New York Times

December 19, 2010

“Slavery's Trail of Tears”

Smithsonian, November 2015

America’s forgotten migration—the journey, at gunpoint, of a million African Americans from the upper South to the cotton South—

“The Slave Trail of Tears.... the story of the masses who trekked a thousand miles…has vanished…. Virginia was the source for the biggest deportation. Nearly 450,000 people were uprooted and sent south from the state…and ‘sold down the river.’”

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“Slavery's Enduring Resonance”

The New York Times, March 15, 2015 

The shadow of slavery in law enforcement—

“The first armed police force…was assembled to apprehend black people…. I do not mean to suggest that police forces of today are like slave patrols.”

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“First Families”

The New York Times, June 17 , 2012 

Michelle Obama's family history—

“The hero of the book is Melvinia, Mrs. Obama’s great-great-great grandmother, who in 1852 was an enslaved 8-year-old girl living on a farm in Spartanburg, S.C., appraised at $475….”

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“An American Tragedy”

The New York Times, April 12, 2011 

Race and memory after 150 years—

“It is said that the South lost the Civil War, but won the peace…as white supremacy grew into the law of the land…. the central scene in the national tragedy.”

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“Gone With the Myths”

The New York Times, December 19, 2010

The Civil War = enslavement, not states' rights—

“I’ve heard it from women and men, from sober people and people liquored up on anti-Washington talk.… The Civil War was about small government, limited federal powers and states’ rights.”

Old articles



“End of the Big House” 

The rapid increase in new prisons—

The Village Voice, April 24, 1994


“White Like Who?” 

Thoughts on white racial identity—

The Village Voice, May 18, 1993


“Bonjour, Dubrovnik” 

A bombed city in Croatia during the Balkans War—

The Village Voice, December 29, 1992


“Through a Glasnost Darkly”  

Russian filmmaker Nikita Mikhalkov—

The Village Voice, November 3, 1992


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“Here the Past Lives On”

A prop house that feeds big film productions—

The New York Times, November 3, 1991 




“The colour of money”

Black filmmakers in white Hollywood—

New Statesman & Society [U.K.] September 6, 1991 



“Museum of Tears”  

Ellis Island and the pain of migration—

The Village Voice, November 3, 1992



“Lacan Games” 

Profile of philosopher Slavoj Zizek—

The Village Voice Literary Supplement, April 1992



“Degraded Utopias” 

The two New York World's Fairs , 1939 and 1964—

The Village Voice Art Supplement, Fall 1989



“The Cinematic City” 

 Cities represented on film —

Metropolis, April 1987



End of the Big House

The Village Voice

 April 24, 1994

 The White Issue

The Village Voice

 May 18, 1993

A Mardi Gras of One's Own

The Village Voice

March 9, 1993

Building to a Climax

Village Voice Literary Supplement

December 1992

Bonjour, Dubrovnik

The Village Voice

December 29, 1992

Through a Glasnost Darkly

The Village Voice

 November 3, 1992

Lacan Games

Village Voice Literary Supplement

April 1992

Here, the Past Lives on and 
 the Future Takes Shape

 New York Times

 November 3, 1991

The colour of money

New Statesman & Society (U.K.)

 September 6, 1991

At a Theater Devoted to the Past, 
 Silence is Golden

 New York Times

 September 1, 1991

Museum of Tears

The Village Voice

September 11, 1990

Robert Rauschenberg's
 Processed World

 Rizzoli Journal of Art

 October 1990

Degraded Utopias

 Village Voice Art Supplement

 Fall 1989

The Cinematic City


 April 1987

The Great Sideshow of the
 Situationist International

 Yale French Studies

 No. 73 (1987)

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